Great Oakley Community Safety Report

Community Safety Strategy Report - August 2021

As a first stage of GOPC Community Safety Strategy (CSS) Cllrs Bush, Land and Bailey met with Thomas Eng – ECC Asst Highways Liaison Officer and Ian Taylor - TDC Head of TDC Public Realm on 28th July 2021 in the Village Hall. Unfortunately the Police were not able to send a representative to this meeting but will be kept informed and asked for their input as necessary.

At the meeting a number of issues regarding speeding, parking, signage and general safety matters were discussed and a variety of options identified for consideration.

Actions identified:


A request has been made to ECC for a full review of all signage in the village. As this is likely to take some time Cllr Land will arrange to have the faded signs repainted in the short term. He has also requested faded road marking be reinstated and the missing school barrier be replaced.

It was confirmed that the traffic calming measures requested by residents could not be installed on a major diversion route.

A resident’s suggestion for a school crossing patrol was forwarded to ECC for consideration. ECC advised the request must come from the school and they have contacted the school to enquire if a patrol is necessary but no response to date. Suggest GOPC make contact with the school authorities to confirm their position on this matter together with the possibility of a request for 20 mph within the proximity of the school.


Parking has always been an issue in the village and is no different than other Towns and Parishes across the Country.

GOPC does not have the resources to operate suggested residents parking permit schemes and parking restrictions would be impossible to enforce without traffic wardens patrolling the village on a regular basis.

Those residents who have concerns about access to their driveways being blocked by parked cars (a particular problem for School Road residents at drop off and pick up times at the school) can directly request a H line across their driveway from North Essex Parking Partnership at their own expense.

On the question of illegal parking on grass verges and greenswards it was suggested installing strategically positioned benches or wooden/concrete bollards at the sites in question. It is recommended to investigate this further in terms of, impact and costs etc.

A suggestion was made to identify land in the village to turn into car parking spaces. Ownership of the land (whether Parish Council or privately owned land for purchase/lease) would involve a considerable Parish Council expense and inevitably cause major friction and objections from residents.


Notices have been put on Great Oakley Face book page and Parish Council Face book page and website advising residents of recent Essex Police presence in the Harwich area with website contact details to report problems with persistent speeding and sites to submit footage of poor and dangerous driving. 

Unfortunately some residents submitted their responses on Great Oakley Face book page which serves no other purpose than to generate the usual dialogue between them.

It is recommended GOPC explore ways of getting this and all other community safety messages, including inconsiderate parking, to its residents.

Cllr Bush advised at our PC meeting on 20th July 2021 of a public meeting being held on 27th September with the Police and Fire Commissioner and the Commander for Tendring Police. As soon as we have confirmation of a Venue/Time and registration procedures required Councillors and residents should be advised and attend if possible to make our concerns known.

Date of notice: 
Tuesday, 31 August 2021